About Us

香港環保公司已成立了20多年,憑著事業團隊的多年經驗及完善設備, 提供優質服務予客戸,並得到各大、小客戸的長期支持,服務忠誠, 信心保證!
HK Desludging Service Co has been established for more than 20 years. With our professional service provided by our experienced team and comprehensive equipment installed, we provide a high-quality service to our customers and we have obtained their long-term support. Service and confidence guarantee!
本司服務區域遍佈香港、九龍、新界及離島。主要為商住樓宇丶村屋丶商場丶學校丶工廠及停車場等機構提供專業 渠道服務,服務範圍包括化糞池丶隔油池丶高壓通渠丶沙井清理、地下室污水處理、吸泥漿水等。
Our service areas including Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Peninsula, New Territories & Outlying Islands. We provide drainage service for commercial & domestic buildings, village houses, shopping malls, schools, factories & car parks etc. Our major service provided are septic tank, grease trap cleansing, high pressure water jetting, manhole cleansing, underground waste water treatment and so on.
Whatsapp: 6908 2330 / 9254 5689
email: [email protected]